German Schnitzel



History of schnitzel: It started when people from Israel began making schnitzel out of veal, as time went on veal became harder to obtain so the people started using turkey or chicken because it was more abundant. Then, many Jewish poeple moved to Europe and brought schnitzel with them. They made their way to Germany where they began to call beef schnitzel Weiner schnitzel and schnitzel without beef, schnitzel nach weiner. They made their "own" type of schnitzel, it was schnitzel with pork. Schnitzel is commonly made with chicken, pork, and beef.



  • 2 lbs of boneless pork
  • 1/3 cups of all purpose flower
  • 1 Tbsp of garlic salt
  • 1/2 tsp of paprika
  • 1/2 tsp of freshly ground pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of breading
  • 3 cups of butter milk
  • 3 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Avacado oil or any other oil with a high burning temperature


  • Cut the porks into 1/2 in thin strips
  • Put plastic rap over a cutting board
  • Put the pork strips on the cutting board
  • Use meat malet or a heavy pot/pan to beat the pork until tender
  • Set out 4 bowls
    • In the first bowl put the flower, garlic salt, paprika, and pepper
    • In the second put the eggs
    • In the third put the buttermilk
    • In the fourth put the breading


  1. Dip the pork in the first bowl
  2. Dip then in the second with the eggs
  3. Dip in the first bowl
  4. Dip in the fourth
  5. Dip in the fith

    Repeat 4-6 times

  6. Get a cast iron skillet and fill about 1/8 an inch of your oil
  7. Put the skillet over medium heat
  8. When the skillet is ready put the pork with all of the stuff in the pan
  9. When you think the skillet is ready take a pinch of flower and put it in the pan, if it sizzles it is ready.
  10. Cook each side until golden brown
  11. Take it out of the pan