
Will Robbins

Hi my name is Will Robbins. I was born September 13th 2008, I have three siblings, one step brother, one brother, and one sister. My step brother and my sister are both 6 years older than me. The year before the pandemic I started wood working which is one of the hobbies that got me here, that started me down the path of DIY projects.


I have two dream jobs one being a computer engineer and the other being a Computer Hardware Technician. Because of that I want to go to get a bachelors degree in computer engineering, from MIT. Click here to learn more


All my hobbies revlove around DIY. My main hobbies are woodworking, computer buliding, electronics, and playing video games. Click here to learn more


My favorite recipe to make is German/pork schitzel. I like it becuase I don't get to eat it a lot because we normaly don't get pork but when get pork I normaly make pork schnitzel. Click here to learn more