
Wood working

I started woodworking some time around Chrismas 2018 or 2019. Then after that I started making presents out of wood, I have made plaques, utensil holders, and other things. If you want to see some of the things I have done click here


I started in 2021 with tinkering with electronics(not including computers) and I have now started soldering. Now that I can solder I plan to incoperate a deconstructed miniture frogger arcade machne into my desk. I haven't really done anything besides fixing things so I have no examples. I am the person who my family goes to if they need most tech help.

fav videogame


I am a person who likes building and learning about computers. I have bulit 3 computers 2 for me and one for my freind. Because of that I have needed to learn about every part in a computer and what every part does. This has led me to have an intrests in how other tech works. If you want to see the computers I have made click here, if you have an intrests in building computers and want to learn how to build one click here

Video Games

I like playing different videogames based on different things. The things that change are:

Who I am playing with
If I am playing with my brothers then I would play Fortnite, if I am playing with my freind I will play fortnite, fallout 4 or 76, call of duty warzone, no mans sky, or Minecraft.
If I am playing by myself
I would play:
  • No Man's sky
  • Starfeild
  • Forza Horizon 4
How many people I am playing with. If I am playing with:
1 person I will probaly play no man's sky, Fallout 4 or Fallout 76, or even Fortnite
2 or more people I will probaly play Fortnite, or Call of duty